Schema Types

Table of Contents


Field Argument Type Description
node Node

The ID of the object

id ID!
information InformationCountableConnection
name String
value String
distinct Boolean
op String
search String
jsonkey String
order String
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
systems SystemCountableConnection
calculator String
calculatorParameters String
cell String
charge Float
charges String
constraints String
ctime Float
data String
dipole String
energy Float
fmax Float
forces String
freeEnergy Float
id Int
initialCharges Int
initialMagmoms Int
keyValuePairs String
magmom Float
magmoms String
mass Float
masses Int
momenta String
mtime Float
natoms Int
numbers String
pbc Int
positions String
smax Float
stress String
tags String
uniqueId String
username String
volume Float
distinct Boolean
op String
search String
jsonkey String
order String
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
species SpeciesCountableConnection
id Int
n Int
z Int
distinct Boolean
op String
search String
jsonkey String
order String
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
key KeyCountableConnection
id Int
key String
distinct Boolean
op String
search String
jsonkey String
order String
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
textKeys TextKeyValueCountableConnection
id Int
key String
value String
distinct Boolean
op String
search String
jsonkey String
order String
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
numberKeys NumberKeyValueCountableConnection
id Int
key String
value Float
distinct Boolean
op String
search String
jsonkey String
order String
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
reactions ReactionCountableConnection
activationEnergy Float
chemicalComposition String
coverages String
dftCode String
dftFunctional String
facet String
id Int
products String
pubId String
reactants String
reactionEnergy Float
sites String
surfaceComposition String
textsearch String
username String
distinct Boolean
op String
search String
jsonkey String
order String
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
reactionSystems ReactionSystemCountableConnection
aseId String
energyCorrection Float
id Int
name String
distinct Boolean
op String
search String
jsonkey String
order String
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
publications PublicationCountableConnection
authors String
doi String
id Int
journal String
number String
pages String
pubId String
publisher String
pubtextsearch String
tags String
title String
year Int
distinct Boolean
op String
search String
jsonkey String
order String
before String
after String
first Int
last Int



Field Argument Type Description
name String!
value String
id ID!

The ID of the object.


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!
edges [InformationCountableEdge]!
totalCount Int


Field Argument Type Description
node Information

The item at the end of the edge

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the object.

key String!
systems System


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!
edges [KeyCountableEdge]!
totalCount Int


Field Argument Type Description
node Key

The item at the end of the edge

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the object.

key String!
value Float
systems System


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!
edges [NumberKeyValueCountableEdge]!
totalCount Int


Field Argument Type Description
node NumberKeyValue

The item at the end of the edge

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
hasNextPage Boolean!

When paginating forwards, are there more items?

hasPreviousPage Boolean!

When paginating backwards, are there more items?

startCursor String

When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.

endCursor String

When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.


Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the object.

pubId String
title String
authors JSONString
journal String
number String
pages String
year Int
publisher String
doi String
tags JSONString
pubtextsearch JSONString
reactions [Reaction]
systems [System]


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!
edges [PublicationCountableEdge]!
totalCount Int


Field Argument Type Description
node Publication

The item at the end of the edge

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the object.

chemicalComposition String
surfaceComposition String
facet String
sites JSONString
coverages JSONString
reactants JSONString
products JSONString
reactionEnergy Float
activationEnergy Float
dftCode String
dftFunctional String
username String
pubId String
textsearch JSONString
Equation String
reactionSystems [ReactionSystem]
systems [System]
publication Publication


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!
edges [ReactionCountableEdge]!
totalCount Int


Field Argument Type Description
node Reaction

The item at the end of the edge

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
name String
energyCorrection Float
aseId String!
id ID!

The ID of the object.

reactions Reaction
systems System


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!
edges [ReactionSystemCountableEdge]!
totalCount Int


Field Argument Type Description
node ReactionSystem

The item at the end of the edge

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the object.

z ID!
n ID!
systems System


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!
edges [SpeciesCountableEdge]!
totalCount Int


Field Argument Type Description
node Species

The item at the end of the edge

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the object.

uniqueId String
ctime Float
mtime Float
username String
numbers String
positions String
cell String
pbc Int
initialMagmoms Int
initialCharges Int
masses Int
tags String
momenta String
constraints String
calculator String
calculatorParameters String
energy Float
freeEnergy Float
forces String
stress String
dipole String
magmoms String
magmom Float
charges String
keyValuePairs String
data String
natoms Int
fmax Float
smax Float
volume Float
mass Float
charge Float
Facet String
Positions String
Numbers String
Magmoms String
Username String
Cell String
Stress String
Ctime String
Adsorbate String
Dipole String
Masses String
DftFunctional String
Forces String
Formula String
InitialMagmoms String
InitialCharges String
Pbc String
Cifdata String
Charges String
Reaction String
Mtime String
Substrate String
Momenta String
DftCode String
Tags String
keys KeyCountableConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
species SpeciesCountableConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
textKeys TextKeyValueCountableConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
numberKeys NumberKeyValueCountableConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
reactionSystems ReactionSystemCountableConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
publication [Publication]
reactions ReactionCountableConnection
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
InputFile String
format String


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!
edges [SystemCountableEdge]!
totalCount Int


Field Argument Type Description
node System

The item at the end of the edge

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination


Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the object.

key String!
value String
systems System


Field Argument Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo!
edges [TextKeyValueCountableEdge]!
totalCount Int


Field Argument Type Description
node TextKeyValue

The item at the end of the edge

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination



The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.


The Float scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.


The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.


The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^53 - 1) and 2^53 - 1 since represented in JSON as double-precision floating point numbers specifiedby IEEE 754.


JSON String


The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.



An object with an ID

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

The ID of the object.